Four days later, and I have finally managed to sit down and write about our adventures during these days and now. Tomorrow, Mama Rosen leaves for Paris and I start my journey of independence in the world haha. I am going to miss my mom! We had the best time exploring Ireland together and it is hard to believe the time is almost up! Tonight as I right this, I am feeling a bit homesick for my family and friends. I suppose that this is normal since I am really anxious and nervous to start school—it feels like the first day of college! However, I moved in to my apartment a bit earlier than planned which was fantastic! Along the way, I met another California girl who is living in Corrib Village as well—and very close! Knowing her and a few others from Philadelphia has definitely helped ease my nerves about transitioning into this new lifestyle. Corrib Village consists of individual housing units, each one a different color (orange, yellow, peach, green). My room is a double en suite which means that I have a very small bathroom and a large bed. If I step inside my bathroom and make a full circle, everything is right in front of my face (sink, toilet, shower). In the shower, you literally can only stand in one spot! There are four other students living in my flat and we all share a common room and kitchen. Those areas are lovely and we are provided with items such as: Water boiler, toaster, tv, remote, mops, pots, pans, couches, etc. The place feels like a dorm but in very close courters and with single rooms. I am really excited to live there but skeptical about some of the rules, one in particular. The rule states that you can’t have any overnight guests—they must leave before 12am. Therefore, if they catch someone sleeping over who doesn’t live in Corrib Village, you get fined 130 Euro’s! I find it hard to believe that someone would fine you for having someone spend the night, even a relative. Other than some of the rules such as this one, the place is beautiful and very convenient. I look forward to meeting my roommates and other students. Now back to recapping the last four days. Today, our destination was Spiddal—a lovely Gaelic speaking seaside town in Connommara. However, we ended up lost and two hours North. Our adventure sent us all the way to Griggins, which is an area that James Joyce, the Irish Writer, used to visit often. Nevertheless, the GPS finally managed to acquire the satellite and guided us to Spiddal (An Spideal). We walked around the shops a bit and ate at a Bakery Café next to a cluster of cottages, each one containing individual artists’ wares. Every town we have come across in this trip has been so different from one another yet so vibrant! In this particular area, they all speak Gaelic. When Mama Rosen and I went to check out a store, we could tell they were skeptical about tourists. Mama Rosen had been looking for Clauddaugh Rings and we found them here! It is a well-known symbol in Ireland which shows two hands holding a heart with a crown representing friendship, love and loyalty. After we left Spiddal, we came back to our lovely B&B to tea and disgestive cookies (my new favorite obsession). Now, I am trying to remember most of the last four days and it is so challenging! I left off with Dingle which has been my favorite place so far. From Dingle we took the ferry at Tarbert over to Sheep’s Head Peninsula and went through Milltown Malbay which had a beautiful cathedral. We then ventured on to Liscannor and Lahinch which are two really cute beach towns and well- known for surfing! We went towards Doolin and the Cliffs of Moher. This has to be one of the most beautiful sites I have ever seen! We went past the “Do Not Enter” sign to the top of the Cliffs but it was well worth it! Supposevely, there is a number next to the cliffs to call if you need someone to talk too. At the Cliffs of Moher, we walked a few hours and saw O’Brian’s Castle on top. This was such a magnificent and one of the most scenic sites thus far on the trip. After the Cliffs of Moher, we went to a famous pub in Doolin called “ Gus O’Connors.” We listened to live Irish music and I experienced my first Lager and Lime which was introduced to me by Mama Rosen!! The night was truly fantastic and makes me excited for nights in Galway. Interestingly, at a certain hour (11pm) the waiters and waitresses come out and bring complementary chicken wings and smoked salmon on bread bites for everyone. When a man behind me tapped me on the shoulder and offered me a chicken wing, I thought this was odd until he told me that they always do this at pubs. or at least this one. The next morning was slow but Mom and I decided to take a ferry to the Aran Islands (Inisheer). The way there on the ferry was a lot worse then the trip coming back. We spent the day exploring the ruins of forts and walking towards the lighthouse. Mama Rosen and I had the chance to pet Sheep and a beautiful, white horse. There is a bigger Island (Inishmore) and the smaller island that we went on (Inisheer). I wish there was more time in the day to have spent on the other side of the island but it was just a beautiful site. For dinner we ate in Lahinch with a young lady from the states. She shared very interesting stories of her travels with us since her job entails her to constantly travel every 3 months or so. We went to the Burren the next day. Our first stop was the Burren Perfumary which is in Carron, County Clare. We walked through the gardens there and I was intrigued by some of the most exotic flowers displayed! Following the perfumery, we went to Cahermacnaghten- an ancient dwelling (several) dating back to the bronze age (some as far as 1100 BC). We then journeyed on to Poulnabrone Dolmen, the ancient tomb where 33 people were buried in this one tomb (cairn). I couldn’t believe it was stationed right in the center of all these rocks with beautiful flowers growing between them! How people lived in this land where there were more rocks then greenery is dumbfounding! Alilwee Cave was our next stop which was amazing!!!!! We saw a bird show and Mama Rosen volunteered to have an owl fly right on to her arm! I am so proud of her! The animals were beautiful and the cave was fantastic. Our last and final stop was Galway, where I will be for the next four months! I love it here so far. It is more city-esque with lots of pubs, restaurants, people performing on the streets and water. Tomorrow is a big day and orientation is Tuesday! Time flies! Anyways, I wish you all the best and I will update you as soon as possible.
Seachain sibh féin, (Take Care)
Nicole Shayna Rosen
Ps. Happy Birthday Mike!